Vision & Mission


To Reach the People, Change their lives with the Gospel and Transform the Nations through Churches


Our Mission is to

  • Strengthen and Edify the Church in the Spiritual and Physical arena
  • Provide the Pastors with the required and necessary tools to foster their growth and development
  • To Spiritually guide them through Round-the-clock prayers, Leadership seminars and Dynamic Church Planting Conferences
  • To Provide the ministers of the Gospel with the knowledge and studies on Theology and enabling them to be recognized through Episcopal Ordinations
  • To Help pastors in building Churches and gathering souls through regular Gospel Crusades

Transformation of a Nation comes with the Transformation of every individual

However an Individual is, with the presence of God in him or her, we believe that there will be a total Transformation of their lives and they will become a new creation, which will be evident in their daily lives. This Transformation is brought about by the Churches and it will be reflected in their family, and in turn in the society in which they live. This will eventually transform the district, then the State and then the Nation – thereby leads towards the fulfillment of our vision.

Harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. It is time to harvest the souls and gather them into the threshing floor where the good and bad are separated. So let us join hands to harvest the grown out fields before they are dried off and thrown into the fire.